A downloadable game for Windows


In this game, you play as an alien who is invading a space base and fighting and killing astronauts.

 You have landed on a red planet next to a space base to sabotage the base and steal supplies from the astronauts to survive. As there are many astronauts working in and around the base, you have to be stealthy and avoid their field of vision to stand a chance. You can also steal their suits and weapons to turn the tables on the astronauts, who are heavily armed.

Your aim is to kill the extremely dangerous captain of the space base for total control of the base and supplies.


All Sounds from https://freesound.org/ by author: (I edited some of these in Audacity, so they may sound different in-game):


SpaceBaseSabotage.zip 72 MB

Install instructions

1. Download the executable file.

2. Run "Assignment2 - Prototype.exe".

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